

Schizophrenia: A Brief guide on causes, symptoms, and treatment

Humans are born with the most amazing tool and cope up mechanism which is our Mind. However, many time this mechanism back-fire in the process of protecting us. Schizophrenia is one such condition whe


Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): A Brief guide on Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

There is no replacement for health. Any impairment can affect us not only physically but also mentally. Amblyopia or Lazy Eye is one such health condition that affects one eye but its effects are felt

Digital Therapeutics

Introduction to Digital Therapeutics: A Beginner's Guide

Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is an evidence-based behavioral treatment offered online. With the aid of technology, healthcare is now more easily accessible and effective. It guarantees the highest stand

Anxiety Disorder types and causes

Anxiety Disorder: Type, Causes, and Role of VR in Treatment

Everybody experiences anxiety occasionally. It's perfectly normal to feel anxious sometimes. However, anxiety turns into a very serious mental condition when it starts to control a person's daily life.


Exercises for Back Pain

5 Best Exercises for Back Pain to Improve your Condition

The body relies primarily on its back for support. It makes sitting, walking, sleeping, and exercising easier, but all of the aforementioned activities could cause back pain if performed with poor pos

 Chronic Neck Pain

How to Overcome Chronic Neck Pain without Surgery

Chronic neck pain may be brought on by a variety of factors; sometimes it can be relieved at home. As a result, feeling anxious is typical. Nobody, however, can find having surgery appealing. Finding